The Origins of Contemplative Education at Naropa
Naropa University has been at the forefront of Contemplative Education since its founding in 1974. It continues to be a leader in this area, and a Naropa education is infused with contemplative education for every student who attends the institution. The early development of contemplative education at Naropa was presented and shaped by Chogyam Trungpa and other early faculty, staff, and students, who connected diverse areas of study and endeavor with contemplative practice and insight. The Contemplative Education playlist gives you the opportunity to see, hear and read about how contemplative education was first articulated and practiced at Naropa University.
Contemplative Education Playlist
Panels and Interviews:
Open Secret: Spirituality in America aKA “Sparks” (1974)
Panel discussion with Chogyam Trungpa, Ram Dass, and others recorded for the Open Secret radio program. Trungpa Rinpoche describes the experience at Naropa Institute as being like fireworks, rather than the smooth blending of a spoonful of sugar in lemonade. (Published in The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, vol. 2: Selected Writings: “Sparks”)
Open Secret: Interview with Trungpa Rinpoche (1975)
This interview with Chogyam Trungpa, one year after the founding of Naropa Institute, focuses on his role as a teacher in America and his vision for Naropa. He says that his teaching style is based on a long-term plan, to be accomplished in 100 years.
Interview for Foreword to “Buddhist and Western Psychology” (1980)
An interview with Chogyam Trungpa conducted by Edward Podvoll and Charles Lief, for the book Buddhist and Western Psychology, by Nathan Katz. Trungpa Rinpoche recounts his first impressions of Western psychologists and psychology at Oxford; working with mentally ill people at Samye Ling; and his study of Christian meditation. Notes challenges that Western psychologists face in incorporating Buddhist principles into their practice. (Published in The Sanity We Are Born With: A Buddhist Approach to Psychology. Originally published in Buddhist and Western Psychology, now out-of-print.)
First Faculty Seminar at Naropa Institute (1975)
A workshop with faculty members at the newly formed Naropa Institute, held during the summer of 1975.
Talk 1
Chogyam Trungpa speaks to how Naropa is drawing on the best features of existing educational models, as well as on the heritage of traditional Buddhist education as a foundation.
Comments and discussion about the role of the teacher. Also, comments on the long-term vision for Naropa as an institution where education becomes personal and also has practical applications.
Talk 2
The faculty comments about communication issues and ideas for Naropa Institute’s development. Trungpa Rinpoche notes the courageousness and responsibility of being a teacher.
Education for an Enlightened Society I (1978)
Education is presented in the context of Naropa Institute and creating enlightened society. Education as nurturing a state of mind, creating environment that sparks students to experience their individual neurosis in the midst of enlightened atmosphere. Message of Naropa Institute is “enlightened confidence and wakeful education.”
Education for an Enlightened Society II (1978)
Chogyam Trungpa describes education as “bringing about the enlightenment of the whole world.” Clarifies he is not speaking of a utopia, but rather that the audience itself is the potential enlightened society. (Published in The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, vol. 2: Selected Writings, “Education for an Enlightened Society”)
Art and Sanity (1981)
A seminar that was co-taught with the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin (talk 3) and with other key teachers at Naropa Institute, including the Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje, Jose Arguelles, Barbara Bash, Jeremy Hayward, and Judith Lief. Trungpa Rinpoche gave talks 2, 4, and 6. However, the audio for Talk 4 is not available.
Talk 2
Art as arising from fundamental basic goodness, and as key to stopping aggression. Mind as the beginning of art: primordial, first art is just being here, with good posture and with sense perceptions open. Out of that comes insight, which is the starting point of being an artist.
Talk 6
Fear of oneself as the main obstacle to producing art. In contrast with traditional educational models described as being based on fear, teaching style at Naropa Institute promotes strong teacher-student interaction. Description of Trungpa Rinpoche’s own schooling, including learning through memorization exercises. Seven steps of kyudo (Japanese archery practice) as model for “how to go through the process of life, how to let go.”
Educating Yourself Without Ego (1983)
A three-talk seminar presenting the path of taming one’s mind through meditation and opening oneself to the appreciation of everyday life. Excerpts from all three talks of this seminar were edited into the article “Taming the Horse, Riding the Mind,” available in The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, vol 2: Selected Writings; and in The Sanity We Are Born With: A Buddhist Approach to Psychology: Chapter 2.
Talk 1: Working with Ego and Opening the Heart
Educational approach of combining intellectual study with meditative discipline. Training based on body, speech, and mind working together.
Talk 2: Meditation: Training the Wild Horse of Mind
Discussion of everyday life as path. Discipline is the energy that allows one to progress on the path. Process of training the mind is like taming a wild horse. Presentation of basic meditation technique.
Talk 3: Vipashyana and Seeing the Sacred in Everyday Life
A discussion of “vipashyana”, insight or awareness practice. Appreciation of everyday world and seeing things as they are, without adding passion, aggression, or ignorance. The combination of learning through meditation and learning from everyday experience creates further learning.
First Convocation of Naropa Institute (1974)
The opening convocation at the very first session of Naropa Institute. Trungpa Rinpoche speaks about his vision for Naropa Institute.
Celebration of Naropa Institute Achieving Candidacy for Accreditation (1978)
Brief remarks by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and others. Trungpa Rinpoche speaks about how Naropa is trying to establish enlightened education. Also, that doubts and questions people had about Naropa Institute have turned into material to go further. He concludes with a toast to the Great Eastern Sun — dignity and appreciation of self and the world.
Naropa Institute Graduation 1978
Second graduation ceremony of Naropa Institute. Naropa’s Executive Director Jeremy Hayward led the event. Speakers include Dr. Edward Podvoll of Psychology Department, Barbara Dilley of Dance Department, graduating class representative Daniel Montgomery, Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin, and Naropa’s founder Chogyam Trungpa.
Naropa Institute Graduation 1980
Trungpa Rinpoche talks about education as an exchange between teacher and student. It is not just about passing down information, and education at Naropa Institute is not about pleasure seeking or confirmation.
Naropa Institute Graduation 1981
The fifth graduation ceremony of Naropa Institute. Naropa’s dean, Judith Lief, led the ceremonies. Trungpa Rinpoche describes the intensity and discipline of his own education.
First Annual Naropa Institute Alumni Dinner (1980)
Remarks by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche; Judy Lief, dean of Naropa Institute at the time; and past director William McKeever. Trungpa Rinpoche talks about the individual and personal journeys of alumni as being important to the success of Naropa Institute. Also, that alumni can be very helpful to the purpose and vision of Naropa Institute in rethinking and correcting the educational system of North America and the rest of the world.
Public Talks:
The Way of the Buddha in America (1975)
A public talk about the challenges facing American culture, and how Buddhism might help address them.
The Myth of Education (1976)
Chogyam Trungpa suggests that the “revolutionary” approach to education in America was a “myth of freedom,” and contrasts with traditional Buddhist approaches to education. Chogyam Trungpa concludes by saying that the Naropa model creates appreciation and a sense that education is a life-long learning process, rather than something to be “rid of” in a few years.
Why Buddhism in America? aka “Hearty Discipline” (1980)
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche begins with a description of the evolution of Naropa Institute since its first summer, and where it currently stands. Discipline and appreciation for tradition as necessary parts of the educational system. (Published in The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, vol 2: Selected Writings, “Hearty Discipline”; and The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, vol 10: Selected Writings, “Why Buddhism in America”)
Meetings with Faculty and Students:
Meeting with Naropa Institute Core Faculty (1978)
A substantive exchange between Trungpa Rinpoche and department heads at Naropa Institute. For faculty, personal sanity and genuineness are key. Being true and honest brings strength and delight, being fully who you are.
Meeting with Naropa Institute Staff (1978)
A meeting of Chogyam Trungpa with administration and faculty of Naropa Institute. Topics include how the staff’s meditation practice affects overall vision and day-to-day workings of Naropa. Basis of Naropa Institute as introducing “gentleness, confidence, and wakefulness to students and ourselves.”
Meeting with Naropa Institute Students and Faculty (1979)
Chogyam Trungpa speaks of learning process at Naropa as “furthering”; becoming true to one’s self, genuineness. Knowledge is there but has to be uncovered. Vision of Naropa Institute — sense of discipline and “awake” in whatever one is doing.
Meeting with Naropa Institute Faculty (1979)
Comments on the journey students make at Naropa Institute, of becoming friends with themselves and their scholarship, which leads to an understanding or “road map” of where they should be going.
Meeting with Buddhist Path Intensive Group (1979)
A compelling exchange between Chogyam Trungpa and Naropa’s Buddhist Path students. Trungpa Rinpoche gives powerful explanations of how the mind works, how meditation transforms neurosis into wakefulness, and how to bring mindfulness into post-meditation. He emphasizes the importance of having a meditation schedule to “cut your karmic chain reactions.” Trungpa Rinpoche also describes meeting Suzuki Roshi.
Meeting with Naropa Institute Faculty (1979)
A discussion with faculty, primarily debriefing about a conference held just previously entitled, “Comparative Approaches to Cognition: Western and Buddhist.” Trungpa Rinpoche does not himself speak at length, but asks faculty to present their observations and thoughts. In this meeting we hear perspectives on the intersection of science, art, intuition and Buddhism. For more context, see the Lion’s Roar article “Two Sciences of Mind” by Barry Boyce, about that conference and its aftermath.
Meeting with Naropa Institute Students and Faculty (1980)
A talk that conveys the heart of Trungpa Rinpoche’s vision for Naropa Institute. Its educational approach is not so much about gaining credentials, but is about students deepening their understanding of themselves and their relationship to the world. Discusses why the school was named after the historical Naropa.
Meeting with Naropa Institute Core Students (1978)
A meeting between Trungpa Rinpoche and Naropa’s core students. Students ask about meditation and education, definitions of Buddhism, Naropa’s place in the educational world, clinical psychology, academic credentials. Trungpa Rinpoche defines Naropa’s approach as bringing intellect and intuition together.