The Digital Library has just released three mahayana seminars that Chogyam Trungpa gave in 1972 on the path of the bodhisattva. These teachings focus on the bodhisattva vow, the paramitas, the five paths, and the ten bhumis. They also convey the heart of the “Great Vehicle”: the development of compassion (including for oneself), the view of emptiness, and committing oneself to others’ enlightenment.
Two of the seminars — “The Bodhisattva Path” given at Karme Choling in Vermont, and “The Practice of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Path” given at the newly-founded San Francisco Dharmadhatu — have never before been published. The third, “The Ten Bhumis” given at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center (now Drala Mountain Center), became the basis for the mahayana section of The Myth of Freedom. It was also, notably, the first public seminar ever given at RMDC, and concludes with a very moving opening ceremony for the land center.