Chögyam Trungpa
Photo by Chögyam Trungpa, 1976.
The Dawn of Enlightenment
The library presents four seminars and public talks Chögyam Trungpa gave on the true meaning of enlightenment and how to approach the path genuinely. Given over a span of a decade, these teachings emphasize the importance of first laying the ground by practicing meditation, recognizing our basic goodness, and giving up any hope of attaining spiritual bliss. Never giving the same talk twice, Trungpa Rinpoche covers a broad spectrum of subjects including spiritual materialism; the truth of suffering; egolessness; Great Eastern Sun; maitri; bodhichitta; and the importance of a teacher, or spiritual friend.
Enlightenment Playlist (Audio)
Enlightenment of the Buddha (Karmê Chöling, VT, 1975)
Confidence and Enlightenment (Karmê Chöling, VT, 1978)
- Talk 1: The Question Mark of Egolessness
- Talk 2: Discipline, Meditation, and Intellect
- Talk 3: Indestructible Great Eastern Sun
- Talk 4: Unconditional Celebration
- Seminar Playlist
- Community Talk: Intelligent Boredom (given to the Karmê Chöling community after this seminar)
How to Bring About Enlightenment (Chicago, IL, 1980)
- Talk 4: Maitri and Compassion
- Talk 5: Bodhichitta and the Paramitas
- Talk 6: Heritage and Commitment
- Seminar Playlist
- [note: Talk 1-3 were taught by the Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin]
How to Cultivate the Heart of Enlightenment (Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, CO, 1980)
- Talk 1: The Meaning of Dharma
- Talk 2: How to Practice
- Talk 3: The Future of Buddhism and RMDC
- Talk 4: Exchanging Self for Other
- Talk 5: Generosity
- Talk 6: The Paramitas
- Seminar Playlist