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New Release! The Dawn of Enlightenment

Chögyam Trungpa
Photo by Chögyam Trungpa, 1972.

Dear Friends of the Chögyam Trungpa Institute,

We are thrilled to announce our first release of 2025 on the luminous topic of Enlightenment. This robust new playlist from the Digital Library features four seminars and four public talks from Trungpa Rinpoche. Given over the span of a decade, these teachings explore the true meaning of enlightenment and how to be genuine in our approach to the path. Chögyam Trungpa covers a wide range of topics including buddha nature, ego, egolessness, maitri, bodhichitta, meditation, and more.

From Talk 4 of the Confidence and Enlightenment Seminar, “Unconditional Celebration”:

In order to develop some notion of innate goodness in oneself and loving attitude to oneself, one has to realize that one doesn’t exist in the notion of egolessness, that there’s nothing particularly tangible taking place in oneself. When you look and try to find out, it is hard to discover anything. It is basically unconditional existence. You don’t find the object of hate and love in yourself at all. So there is a notion of a completely free space situation taking place in oneself. And because of that, there is reason to be friendly to oneself, because oneself, one’s existence, is neither threatening nor particularly encouraging. It’s just basic open space.

Chögyam Trungpa

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Yours in the Dharma,

The Digital Library Team