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The True Meaning of Devotion

Photographer unknown
Brahmaputra River, north bank near crossing point

The 65th Anniversary of his escape from Tibet

This year marks the 65th anniversary of Trungpa Rinpoche’s heroic escape from Tibet in 1959. At just nineteen years old, he led a party on a long, treacherous journey in unbelievably harsh conditions under threat from the Chinese military, to freedom in India. In honor of Trungpa Rinpoche’s awe-inspiring journey, the Library presents the seminar, “The True Meaning of Devotion” given at Karme Choling in 1973. In this seminar, Chögyam Trungpa offers a nuanced explanation of devotion as an expansive commitment to a teacher as well as to oneself.

“The True Meaning of Devotion” Playlist

(Karme Choling, Vermont, 1973)

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